Mistletoe Heights Yard of the Month

April 2012: 2208 Weatherbee

April’s Yard of the Month recipients are Scott and Susan Harwell of 2208 Weatherbee Street. The Harwells have lived in Mistletoe Heights for almost 20 years and have been street reps for almost as many. Susan stated that their their most recent yard efforts have been in their backyard, such as a beautiful arbor and a pond where they spend most their time. In the front yard, they will be planting summer annuals and deep red and white caladiums in their pots on the front porch.

The most recognizable aspect of their yard is on the front street corner- a tall stand of yaupon holly, trimmed into a mushroom shape, surrounded by five smaller rounded yaupons. This includes a bed of irises, pink and white peonies and chrysanthemums. Purple cone flowers, salvia and ivy are in the bed on the opposite side of the front yard.

The Harwell’s hope their struggling flowering crabapple will recover from last summer’s heat and drought. The far west side of the yard is lined with Indian hawthorns with a taller privet hedge behind it as a border dividing their yard from the neighbor’s yard.

Pink tea roses, dusty miller and Nellie Stevens hollies divide the front yard from the back yard. The flowering shrubs and plants are budding and should be in full bloom in April.

A weeping yaupon tree anchors the corner of the expansive front porch. Purple oxalis, pink and purple larkspur, red poppies and more Indian hawthorne shrubs fill the beds in front of the porch. Little Gem magnolias, Japanese yews, liriope, Mexican petunias, Texas clematis vines and pyracanthas are on the east side of the fence on the Jerome St. side. Thanks to the Harwells for providing a well maintained attractive yard. For their efforts, they will receive a Calloway’s gift certificate.